Growing Up

Growing up is hard work. Remember those teen years trying to figure out how to be a big person, but still not quite there? How about the transition to living on your own as an adult - Mom & Dad not paying the bills or doing the chores any more (cooking, washing, cleaning, trash, dishes,…)? What about learning how to feed and clothe yourself with all of the little (or not so little) other stuff like insurance, rent, a car, medical bills,…? Yeah, growing up is hard work.

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Sara Youmans Comments

It is now 2020! Wow!! A new year, a new decade… We started this conversation 8 months ago, believe it or not. So, with 2020 hindsight, let’s take a look at the road to today. If space permits, we may take a little time to discuss what’s next.

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Sara Youmans2020Comment
Regenerative Livestock Management #3

We’re back to talk about why regenerative livestock production matters. First I defined a couple of terms and addressed the question of what regenerative agriculture means. Last time, I addressed the question of what it looks like.

So, why does it matter? Short answer first:

  • If our scientific community and the evidence of our eyes is to be believed, the suitability of our planet for human habitability depends on it

  • If evolutionary biology and the evidence of the 20th century have meaning, our health and well-being depend on it

Robin!, you say. Are you off your rocker? That’s pretty bold.

OK. Let’s take each assertion in its turn.

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Regenerative Livestock Management #2

The fundamental principle of regenerative agriculture is that our soils and the forages they support MUST improve over time WITHOUT the use of petroleum or other chemical based soil amendments. That is, the animals on the land do the work of healing the land.

The burning question is then, “Where does the farmer or rancher come in?” Glad you asked!

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Sara Youmans